Free Ways To Improve Your Skin

This is a special post that originally started as a conversation with my sisters. My youngest sister is a teenager and going through some skin troubles right now. With the skincare industry being a HUGE market, we are all constantly exposed to products, tips, and tricks. With how saturated our visual culture is today, it’s easy to think your skin is problematic and buy into the, “I need this product, it is the cure” mentality.

As someone who loves to explore skincare, I’ve come to understand over the years that it’s not as simple as buying something and slapping it onto your face. In fact, when you’re even overwhelmed about what products to buy, that just adds to the stress your skin will reflect. So, with this post I hope to share some FREE and easy things you can do if you can’t afford to buy skincare. These are shaped by my opinions and experiences, so keep that in mind when reading.

  1. Manage Stress

Stress has a major impact on your skin. Skin is the body’s largest organ, so it will indicate the effects of stress. There is a connection between the hormonal activity in your body and your skin, which is why you may get acne around your period or major body changes. I’m not a medical expert, but here is an extremely thorough medical article on the brain-skin connection. The article lays out how your skin responds to your brain in different symptoms: acne, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis.

Watching your favorite movies, reading a good book, listening to music, drawing, crafting, baking, or the comforting touch of someone you love are some great stress-relievers.

Although not free, the best way I personally reduce stress is by drinking matcha. Whenever I have a cup of matcha, or a matcha latte, I feel like a huge weight is being lifted off my shoulders. Matcha and green tea contain a high concentration of L-theanine, an amino acid that can increase your dopamine and serotonin levels, so it helps reduce my anxiety and over-obsessive thoughts. I find that warm drinks in general help reduce stress, especially if they contain chocolate, almond, saffron, turmeric, ashwagandha, or reishi. Chamomile tea is another great option.

  1. Prayer/Meditation

This can go alongside managing stress, because for many people their spirituality gives them a sense of comfort. I find that when I turn to God, I enter this sort of therapy session where I can rant about anything and really acknowledge how I’m not in control of things in my life. The ways other perceive me, expectations they may have, those aren’t my problem. All I can focus on is being a good person and working on bettering myself within.

If you are happy with yourself, then you don’t need to immediately stress about the way your outer appearance looks. So, you have acne? Ask yourself why it’s important for you to clear it up. Are you doing it for yourself or for someone else? I don’t want to trivialize your experiences, because I know some skin conditions can have such a negative impact on a person, and if it is important for you and your values to have better skin, then seek help from a dermatologist. Remember, you have value and worth, don’t do something for someone else. If we lived in a world where no one could see our physical imperfections, would we spend the effort, time, and money to fix them?

I would say only if that’s something you would truly want for yourself, regardless of others.

  1. Hydration and Exercise

Water helps flush toxins out of your body. There is a reason it’s essential to life. We can’t survive without water for more than a few days. A good step is to set an alarm for every hour or two, as a reminder to drink some water. Don’t do this during the night when you’re sleeping, though.

Working out keeps your hormones in check. You also feel better about yourself and that contributes to your overall self-worth and confidence. There are tons of tutorials on YouTube. I like doing pilates and follow the calendars that Cassey from Blogilates makes on her website. Here are some for beginners, where each day is mapped out with videos.

  1. Food, Food, FOOD!

Your body is a giant machine composed of tiny systems that help it function. If you’re giving crap to your systems, then you’re going to get a not-so-smoothly functioning machine. If it’s not realistic for you to suddenly start eating healthy, then I suggest starting with one thing. It may be hydrating more, or even setting a goal to eat one fruit or vegetable a week or day. When you break down larger goals into smaller chunks like this, they become more attainable. When I first started phasing cereal out of my daily breakfasts, it was a process. I ate cereal for breakfast basically my whole life, but I replaced it with fruit and yogurt. Now, if I don’t eat fruit or yogurt often, my body feels it and I have low energy; my body adapted to craving fruit over sugary cereals. Good habits are learned over time, so don’t get discouraged.

  1. It Takes Time

This isn’t really a tip as much as it’s just some thoughts I’d like to get down. There is no such thing as a miracle product. Even the most expensive, fancy serums will only show results over time (a few months to years). So, take each ad or product you’re presented with, with a grain of salt. You are worth more than what you can find in a bottle, so don’t waste your money unless you believe it’s a right step for you to pursue that product.

I love skincare and having products to rely on, but before I started buying anything, I first focused on all of the tips I listed previously. When I felt that my skin was ready, I took the step to THOROUGHLY research and then buy products.

These are some free and simple tips you can do to take better care of yourself and your skin. I didn’t go into depth with each one because everyone’s journey is going to be different. I wish you happy skin days ahead! 

Follow me on Instagram @two.twiceknown

— Crystal

Gifs from GIPHY and Tenor

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